Waiting list
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(English follows Japanese)
希望する週が既に満員なのですが、Waiting Listには載せられますか?もしくは空きが出たら連絡をもらえますか?
申し訳ございませんが、Waiting Listは作成しておりません。他の空いている週でお申し込み頂くか、キャンセルが出るとページに残席が表示されますので、ご希望の週に空きが出ているかどうか随時ご確認ください。また24時間自動お申し込みの為、EtonHouseで空きのご案内やご連絡をすることは出来兼ねます。予めご理解ご了承お願い致します。
The week I’m interested is already full. Can I put my child on a Waiting List or can you let me know when a spot becomes available?
Sorry, we do not have a waiting list. Please either sign up for another available week or check back the signup page to see if there is a spot available. When there is a cancellation, available spots will be reflected, allowing you to sign up. As it is a 24/7 automatic sign up, please understand that EtonHouse cannot inform parents when there is a spot available. Thank you for your kind understanding in advance.
Please see here for how to check for vacancies.