



What kind of snack should I prepare?

Please prepare fresh fruits such as bananas. If you don’t like fruits, you can bring crackers such as senbei (Japanese crackers) as an alternative. Please avoid sweets such as cookies, chocolates, gummies, and potato chips. Those who signed up for the package plan (the program between 8:30am and 5:30pm) need to prepare both a morning snack and an afternoon snack every day. As we do not have a refrigerator, please refrain from bringing any snacks that need to be refrigerated for the afternoon snack. We are a nut-free school. All types of nuts (including chestnuts, coconuts) and any products that contain nuts (including peanut butter, almond butter, etc) cannot be brought into the school.

(Japanese below)



バナナなどのフルーツをお持ち下さい。フルーツを食べれないお子様は、お煎餅もご持参可能ですが、チョコレートやクッキー、ポテトチップスといったお菓子類はお持ち込み不可となっております。Package Plan (8:30am-5:30pmまでのプログラム)にお申し込みの場合は朝のスナックと午後のスナックの二つが毎日必要となります。冷蔵庫がない為、午後のスナックには要冷蔵のスナックのご持参はお控えください。ナッツ持ち込み不可の学校となる為全てのナッツ類(栗やココナッツを含む)やナッツを含む食品(ピーナッツバターを含む)のお持ち込みは出来かねます。

This page was last edited on February 20, 2025