Safe School (HP)(TSS)Roppongi


Here is the guideline under COVID-19 situation:

  • A temperature checking point at the classroom shall be implemented every morning.
  • All adults (Teachers, staff, parents, caregiver, guardians) are required to wear masks upon entering the school premise.
  • For administrative questions, please contact via Email.
  • Parents, children, teachers and staff need to check temperatures at home before entering the school, anyone with a temperature of more than 37.5 degrees will not be allowed to enter school premise
  • Parents are required to monitor their children’s health at all times, if your child is unwell, please keep them at home and consult a doctor. Keep your child at home 24 hours free of fever before returning to school.
  • Parents are required to inform the school by filling out this form for absence (No Emailor Phone call, only by the Form)(Select: Holiday Program)(You can find the above forms on the Parents Handbook page on our website)
  • Teachers monitor students closely for illness with more care, and maintain classroom hygiene. Checking children’s temperature during school hours.
  • To increase ventilation in classrooms: opening windows at all times, use of fans to increase air flow
  • Although difficult, all adults should try to keep a social distance of 1.5m apart from each other
  • Our teachers are happy to work with you for your child to keep their mask on during school hours, please make sure to bring 3 or more spare masks in their school bags in case they need to change to new masks. It’s important that children handle masks properly to prevent other contagious illnesses.
  • Students must stay home when a student and/or his/her family is waiting for a PCR test result.
  •  If a student and/or his/her family member who lives in the same household gets tested positive for the Covid-19, parents must follow this step.
Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.

This page was last edited on January 16, 2023