(Rising Field) 利用規約 (Terms & Conditions)
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(English follows Japanese)
クレジット決済のご請求は株式会社JIA(日本でイートンハウスを運営する会社)からとなり、クレジットカード決済の請求名は イートンハウスやEtonHouse或いはその他の表記となることを理解しました。(表記はお使いのクレジット会社で決められる形となります)
【守秘義務】 本フォームにてお申し込みの内容は秘密情報とし、EtonHouseは秘密情報に関して他の保護者や第三者に開示しないことを理解しました。
(A) 友達が申し込んだかどうか
(B) 友達がどの週に申し込んだか
(1)キャンセルはCancellation Form のみの受付であること(Eメールや電話でのご連絡は不可。キャンセルフォームのみでの受付)
(2) Cancellation Formを送信すると、すぐ処理されお申し込みされた席は埋まってしまうこと
(3) キャンセルをした後にやはり参加したいとなった場合、改めて再度申し込みフォームに記入し提出し直す必要があること
Cancellation formに入力・送信し、ご希望の週で再度予約をし直す必要があることを理解しました。
(1)忘れ物はご自宅への郵送が出来かねること (着払いも不可)
(2) 忘れ物の受け取りは、事前にEメールにて連絡する必要であること
(3) 1ヶ月以上連絡がない場合は、EtonHouseが保護者に通知なく破棄すること
I understand and agree to the following Terms and Conditions.
If registered in the incorrect age group, your sign-up will be canceled automatically. EtonHouse will cancel your sign-up and inform you of the cancellation via Email to the registered Email address.
I understand that the Credit Card Payment is billed by JIA Co., Ltd (A company that runs EtonHouse in Japan) and that the name that will appear on my credit card is イートンハウス, EtonHouse or others (The name is decided by each customer’s credit card company).
【Email from EtonHouse】I understand all the Emails regarding the summer program will be sent to the 【Email address I registered on the sign up form】 from the @etonhouse.co.jp domain.
【Email Setting】 I agree to change my Email setting in a way that can receive Emails from the @etonhouse.co.jp domain.
【Email Registration】I understand that I cannot register a mobile Email address.
【Assessment】I understand the following: Should I indicate that my child has learning disabilities on the registration form, I understand that EtonHouse will contact me to assess whether my child’s needs can be accommodated. If it is determined that accommodation is not feasible, EtonHouse will refund the fee.
【Confidentiality】I understand the following: All information collected during registration remains confidential and EtonHouse is not required to disclose this information to the parents or any other person if it is not relevant or appropriate to do so.
【Promotion】Even if I request not to have my child’s pictures used on EtonHouse’s promotional materials, I understand that EtonHouse may still publish photos with my child’s face blurred.
【Privacy】I understand the following:
(1) EtonHouse does not disclose information related to other participants’ privacy
(2) EtonHouse does not answer the following questions:
(A) Whether my friend has signed up
(B) Which week my friend has signed up
【Accommodation & Transportation】I understand the following:
(1) Parents are required to book accommodations by themselves
(2) This program does not provide or include the following: accommodation & transportation
【Daily Drop off & Pick up by Parents】I understand that my child must be dropped off and picked up daily during the program and that no transportation service is provided.
【Using the Shiraito Highland toll road for drop off and pick up】
For Drop off & Pick up at our Karuizawa Summer Camp Venue (Rising Field Karuizawa), I understand that 500 yen toll fee is required for each entry to the Shiraito Highland toll road. Please see here for details of the toll fee.
【Cancellation Policy】 I understand the following:
Cancelling on or before May 11th, 2025:
Cancellation fee: 10% of the total amount of week(s) cancelled
Cancelling after May 11th, 2025:
No refund (for any reason)
【Cancellation】I understand the following:
(1) A cancellation request must be made by filling out a【Cancellation Form】 (“NO” Email or Phone Call. A cancellation is Only Accepted by the Cancellation Form)
(2) Upon receipt of the Cancellation Form, my spot is canceled immediately and that the spot will be filled
(3) After sending a Cancellation Form, if I happen to change my mind and decide to join, I need to fill out the registration form again and start the registration process from the start.
【Changing the sign-up week】
I understand that I cannot change the sign-up week. I understand that I need to fill out the Cancellation form and sign up again with my preferred week.
【Changing to another program】
I understand that I cannot switch to another program for any reason.
【Cancellation of program】
In the event that EtonHouse is unable to acquire a certain number of enrollments, I understand that EtonHouse reserves the right to cancel corresponding weeks of the summer program. In that case, EtonHouse will contact the family and provide a refund.
【Items that are left behind】
I understand regarding my child’s belongings that are left behind:
(1) EtonHouse will not be able to send it to my house
(2) In order to pick up the items, I need to contact EtonHouse via Email prior to picking it up
(3) When belongings are left behind more than 1 month, EtonHouse will dispose of the item without notifying parents
【Items brought to the program】
I understand that EtonHouse is not responsible for any missing, lost, or stolen items brought to the program.
I understand that in the event EtonHouse is unable to provide the program due to a natural disaster (e.g., earthquake, typhoon, etc.), EtonHouse will not be able to offer makeup lessons on alternative dates or provide any form of compensation.